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Use Of Herbs To Beat Stress

In modern times, many people are discovering that constant anxiety is eroding their quality of life. One of the reasons is tension that has becoming companion of man due to mental work over physical work. Mental exhaustion can manifest itself in chronic fatigue, headache, depression, boredom, overeating, bloating and sleep disorders.

Few tips to calm the nerves and combat stress:-

  • Herbs like ashwagandha, eleuthreo and tulsi act as nervine adapt gens and reduce stress hormones such as cortisol. Among the herbs that relaxes nervous system are jasmine and chamomile tea, passion flower and blue vervain and they taste good.
  • Jatamansi has sedative properties and is very effective in treating anxiety, insomnia, migraine and also used in treating Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s too. Brahmi revitalizes brain, removes toxins and blockages in nervous system and improves memory and concentration. Herbal oil vacha aggravates pitta and improves vata and kapha doshas. It boosts memory and treats depression and anxiety.
  • Oats with cow’s milk are beneficial.

Emotions are said to have an effect on the body, so nutrition, herbs, oil massages, herbal oils, exercises and meditation can go a long way in alleviating urban stress.


Summer Allergies

Allergies exist in summer due to drastic rise in temperature. Summer air pollution can make allergy symptoms worse. Biggest summer allergy trigger is pollen and weeds. This pollen gets into our nose and eyes and they overdrive the immune system. Allergies can have outdoor causes like dust mites, cockroaches, insects, ant bites which can cause life threatening allergic reactions. Insects thrive in warm and humid temperature in our beds, fabrics and carpets and their residues can cause symptoms like Runny noses, burning and watery eyes, sneezing, coughing, wheezing, tightness of chest, difficulty in breathing, tickling sensation in nose, throat and ears, nasal congestion and nasal discharge are some of common symptoms.

Some of these allergies are:

  • Dust allergy is worst in summer, because dust mites love warm and moist areas. This allergy causes runny and itchy nose.
  • Seasonal asthma is worse in summer due to humidity. If becomes difficult to breathe and cause nasal congestion.
  • Nasal allergy is caused by pollen that enters into our nose and can nasal congestion and nasal discharge.
  • Summer-cold symptoms can cause fever, muscle aches, body aches, runny nose, sore throat and fatigue.

Getting over allergies:

Wash your hands frequently, use hand sanitizer, drink plenty of fluids, take plenty of rest, spend some time outdoors, treat the symptoms and take advantage of seasonal fruits to boost your immunity. See the physician for diagnosing and treating allergies.


Eye Care In Summer

The most commonly affected part of our body in summer is ‘eyes’. The scorching heat of sun causes great danger to the eyes. Summer can take its toll on our eyes. The sunlight increases the risks of developing cataracts and damaging retina. Protect your eyes from risks of UV rays that spread from sunlight. Increased exposure to sunlight can come in the form of hay fever. Hay fever sufferers endure symptoms of itchy eyes and nose, sneezing and difficulty in breathing. Even expose to pollen may leave eyes swollen and weepy. Eye allergies include mild itching, redness of eyes to severe watering and swelling of eyelids, sties, bacterial and viral conjunctivitis. Viral conjunctivitis is most prevalent eye problem and immediate treatment is necessary because it can worsen the eye condition and results to swelling of eyelids. Eye infection is due to intense heat; avoid using air conditioner, because it can increase your eye problem.

Some care for eyes during summer:-

  • Make sure to protect your eyes with good quality sunglasses.
  • Wear large sun hat or visor, which provides an additional protection to eyes from sunrays.
  • Avoid mid-day sun; stay inside because at this time strength of sun and UV rays exposure is at a peak.
  • Stay hydrated and keep your eyes moist by sprinkling cold water twice a day to feel relaxed.
  • Don’t apply sunscreen close to your eyes as it can cause irritation.
  • Wear spectacles rather than contact lenses.
  • Always wash your hand before you put your contact lenses in your eyes.
  • Use antibiotic eye drops and ointments under medical supervision.

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